A call for papers has been issued for the forthcoming Concrete Communications Conference 2006, to be hosted by The Concrete Centre, the British Cement Association and The Concrete Society.

The event will be held on 5-6 September at University College London. It aims to examine, develop and enhance communication between professional practice and universities on the subject of concrete design, research and construction. In particular, it will focus on the themes of sustainability, structural design, modern materials, performance and construction, under which papers from all areas of research and development or practice and innovation are invited.

The delegate fee is £50 plus VAT. This includes all meals and refreshments but not overnight accommodation. For further information and registration contact The Concrete Centre on 0700-4500 500, email seminars@concretecentre.com or visit the website at . For those wishing to submit a paper, please contact rtobutt@concretecentre.com.