All Letters articles – Page 47
The lesser of two evils
Thank goodness for the common sense shown by Tony Bingham in drawing a clear distinction between bid rigging and cover pricing (16 May, page 64).
A load of hot air
The argument that spare office cooling capacity could be the solution for overheating on the London Underground (23 May, page 11) is fatally flawed.
Not like the nineties
The £200m package to buy unsold homes proposed in the draft Queen’s Speech is the government taking money from housing associations (16 May, page 10).
Keeping them keen
Staff retention is and has for a long time been a major issue in the construction industry.
John the Evangelist
Your leader (9 May, page 3), coupled with Sir John Egan’s personal comments (page 32), rightfully acknowledge the progress that has been made in implementing some of the recommendations of Rethinking Construction.
Treasury trove
Your leader column (9 May, page 3) reports that the first year for gathering figures for projects completed on time was 2001.
New towns, same old story
Like many others, I predict that the 15 eco-town proposals (11 April, page 30) will prove contentious.
Jeremy Hackett
I write to correct two facts included in your recent tribute to my late husband, Jeremy Hackett (25 April, page 14).
Bring on the managers
The recent article on the NEC by John Redmond (2 May, page 63) missed a trick.
Anglo-Saxon attitude
I am afraid Wayne Hemingway’s argument (9 May, pages 44-46) is very shallow and fails to justify why we need to destroy pretty areas of England to encourage yet more overpopulation.
But can we trust clients?
I was very surprised, considering you are a journal for the building industry, how one-sided your coverage of the Office for Fair Trading investigation (25 April) seemed to be. The contractors are always in the wrong, while nobody else seems to be even involved.
A call for sense
Following the story “Family of dead woman calls for carbon monoxide alarms” (25 April, page 23), if Barratt did use Corgi-registered installers then they should be contacted and the other work they’ve done checked.
Pump it up
Your recent article on the Code for Sustainable Homes (18 April, page 52) makes a good point. There is indeed much confusion around the code and SAP ratings, mostly because, in important areas, the formulae used in SAP are based on historic data and are not up to date with ...
Talking ourselves into it
The media hype around the looming recession merely serves to perpetuate the problem.
Shurely shome mishtake
I am led to understand that the glulam option (widely and imaginatively used around the world for swimming pool structures) for the roof structure of the aquatics centre has been rejected in favour of steel – on grounds of cost! Is this information accurate?
Extinguish your torch
How long can it be before the gas torch is banned from the flat-roofing industry?