All Letters articles – Page 45

  • Green buildings, such as this residential block in Hammarby, Sweden, can best be encouraged by clear and consistent rating systems



    I’ve always tried to see the silver lining in every cloud, but am I the only one that sees the great potential of the current downturn?

  • Comment

    The Apprentices


    In the article on Ucatt’s call for an apprenticeship quota on public sector projects (9 July,, you offer a skewed view on the increasingly popular Programme-Led Apprenticeship scheme.

  • In the detail 25 July 2008

    In the detail - 25 July 2008


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Comment

    Fast track to the future


    The government’s announcement on 23 June about speeding up the ɫTV Schools For the Future programme is very welcome.

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    Doesn't measure up


    I criticised the RICS for years and wrote several times seeking changes in favour of its members, particularly a review of its budget so that the annual subscription fees could be reduced.

  • Comment

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Though Chongqing may have a beautiful skyline, the city may be smaller than some suggest …

    Chinese whispers


    Li Shirong, from the Chongqing Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Commission, has a mission to promote development and investment in her city.

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    Let’s start at the very beginning


    Your article “Government failing on sustainable procurement” (4 June, emphasised the importance of sustainable procurement practices in the construction industry.

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    Bad start for Boris


    I see Boris Johnson, the London mayor, plans to reinstate Parker Morris space standards in London’s new housing (27 June, page 12).

  • Comment

    The mystified mediator


    I feel very sorry for disputants like Alan Danieli (27 June, page 39) caught up in the expensive, acrimonious and drawn out process of construction dispute resolution, especially at the smaller end of the market where legal costs can be so high in relation to the sums at issue.

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    A warm industry welcome


    Reading your article on apprenticeships (20 June, page 20) brought back memories of my introduction to the industry as a would-be apprentice carpenter in 1972.

  • Comment

    In the detail


    Can you identify this building to win a £25 drinks voucher?

  • Comment

    Call on me


    I’m pleased to report that that the Federation of Master Builders (FMB) has brokered a deal with the RICS to settle complaints against FMB members.

  • Lest Caroline Flint should forget what can happen when you ignite an argument between the Scots and the English …

    Border skirmishes


    In reply to Derek Emslie in Scotland (27 June, page 35) who took issue with Caroline Flint referring to “England” as a world leader in sustainable building...

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    It doesn’t add up


    A lot has been said and written recently about the OFT investigation into price fixing. I am amazed that despite the amount of press coverage on this I can find no comment on the profit margins of the contractors involved.

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    Working 25/7


    So … Mouzhan Majidi at Fosters brags (4 July, page 64) that their team worked 24 hours a day..

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    Fool's gold


    If Michael Gove gets into government, he’ll have to learn pretty quick that we haven’t had a system based on land-use planning since 2004.

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    Discrimination is good


    There is currently a great deal of misinformation in the press about the review of the Association of British Insurers’ (ABI) guidance document, Fire Performance of Sandwich Panel Systems.

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    A cynic writes …


    The government claims it will make a £100bn investment in wind power over 12 years (26 June,

  • Comment

    Discrimination is bad


    Regarding Harriet Harman’s plans for positive discrimination (26 June,, many of these laws are reasonable but surely the government is allowing ethnic minorities the opportunity to claim racial discrimination if a white person with a similar set of skills and qualifications is selected for a position that they have ...