All Letters articles – Page 28

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    What the charter means


    In response to your article which stated that the Chartered Institute of ɫTV (CIOB) would expel any chartered building company found guilty of cover pricing (27 November, page 9), I’d like to clarify a few points

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    Morrell boost


    I think the appointment of Paul Morrell (27 November, pages 10-11) is an inspired move and I hope he gets his own way with the agenda for the sake of the industry at large

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    Actually, it's the actuaries


    ɫTV’s editor is misinformed about why pension funds have failed (23 October, page 3). We didn’t suddenly “start living 10 years longer”. Life expectancy has been rising steadily since Bazalgette fixed London’s sewers and wiped out cholera

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    Talking up the upturn


    Following the Construction Products Association’s announcement that nine out of 10 construction products firms has reported significantly falling sales, it is easy to feel negative. However, as America and the rest of Europe are well on their way out of recession, we must be positive to ensure that we follow ...

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    The price is wrong


    The message sent out by Richard Steer is very apt in relation to what is happening in the marketplace. I question, though, whether his points only apply to QS consultants

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    My health and safety sleep-in


    After 50 years’ unbroken employment in the construction industry I was made redundant in July. I’ve been catching up on some ɫTV back numbers before savouring the luxury of going back to bed for an hour or so before breakfast

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    Crazy money


    Richard Steer’s point that low bids are giving the QS industry a bad name is absolutely on the mark (13 November, page 34) – and if we’re not careful, what we’ll see eventually is death by a thousand cuts. However, the larger consultancy firms such as the big six or ...

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    It’s no fun anymore


    Having been a member of the RICS for more than 50 years, I read with interest your leader on 20 November (page 3)

  • Why don’t children ever listen?

    Sound advice


    The Noise Abatement Society’s Love Your Ears campaign aims to raise awareness and protect children’s hearing from permanent damage through continued exposure to loud music on MP3 players. However, it should also echo with the construction industry, where BB93 verification is yet to become mandatory and schools still risk failing ...

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    Three simple rules


    Further to your “increasingly controversial” safety blunders pictures – yes you should still publish it, but with the following rules: All the blunders need to be in the EU to prevent the “let’s laugh at Johnny Foreigner” school of blunderography. All the blunders should have a name of the contractor ...

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    Heated debate


    The article revealing that the Zero Carbon Hub is suggesting an energy use figure of 30-45kWhr/m2/yr figure for the 2016 Code for Sustainable Homes indicates a lack of vision and seriousness on the part of this organisation (23 October, page 13)

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    Train the chain


    Regarding Steven Morgan’s article (9 October, page 24) I heartily agree that clear lines of responsibility are crucial for a successful project

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    The West is the best


    I liked your Dubai leader (“After the goldrush”, 30 October, page 3) and I was interested to read about the future reliance on Indian QSs and off-site services

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    The banks must act


    While confidence in the commercial property market is continuing to rise, this is not being matched by the availability of freehold assets for investors to buy

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    No laughing matter


    For some time I have been uneasy about the direction of your health and safety blunders

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    Get over it


    What is all the fuss about over these OFT fines (Hays fumes 2 October, page 10)?

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    With friends like these …


    Gillian Birkby (16 October, page 50) hits the nail on the head in berating public bodies for their unreasonably onerous appointment terms

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    She who laughs first …


    I always find it interesting to read articles about women in construction (23 October, page 36)

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    Bingham bites back


    The Office of Fair Trading’s response to my column (23 October, page 30) condemns the OFT

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    Back at you


    You have really rattled my cage now! I complained that ɫTV should not publish health and safety photos when it could do something positive, like report the matter to the Health and Safety Executive. Then you published Charles Johnston’s letter (23 October, page 31) suggesting my view was a “minority ...