All Letters articles – Page 24

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    Keep it clean


    As someone who swears too much and is not proud of it, I agree with Chris Winks’ letter (5 March, page 27) about unnecessary swear words being printed in ɫTV

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    Budget blues


    Two years ago they removed the tax relief available for building factories, roads, railways, airports – that is, industrial building allowances

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    Small is beautiful


    I have noticed the adverts in ɫTV for the Good Employer Guide you will be publishing in October. I think it’s a real shame you limit entry to firms employing at least 30 UK-based professional staff, and I feel you are missing a trick here

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    A Morrell crusade


    A green building strategy with a focus on new work and skills is the only way the UK construction industry will be able to compete and survive in a changing world with its emphasis on low carbon (“Mandelson and Morrell reveal green building strategy”, 17 March,

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    Bridge on track


    This week’s ɫTV stated that “the completion of Blackfriars station … has been put back four months until spring 2012” (12 March, page 10)

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    The many aspects of risk


    I refer to your recent articles on timber-framed construction which contain several inaccuracies as to the insurance industry’s stance regarding this topic

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    Helping the aged


    Strengthening the ɫTV Regulations to improve the energy efficiency of our buildings and to help meet this country’s ambitious zero-carbon targets is admirable, and I’m wholeheartedly in support (“Part L changes announced,” 12 March,

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    All aboard


    Recent announcements by climate change secretary Ed Miliband are indeed good news (12 March, leader, page 3)

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    Safe as houses


    May I add to the comments made in Geoff Arnold’s letter on behalf of the UK Timber Frame Association (12 March, page 26)?

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    Too much capital


    Good to see proposed infrastructure projects (“High-speed rail network proposals revealed”, 11 March,, but I notice that the emphasis is on improving transport to and from London. There are high-speed rail networks to and from London already in existence

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    The true cost of installing a boiler


    Some people have asked why I said the cost of replacing a boiler was likely to be nearer £5,000 than the £1,367 you suggested (22 January, page 24) or the retail cost of about £750

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    ɫTV's bloomer


    I read with interest your article on the BBC’s attack on UK construction (5 March, page 9)

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    Broadcasting to the Beeb


    The BBC has criticised construction firms for “wasting resources and duplicating effort” (5 March, page 9), yet in the past 18 months we have seen more than 300 organisations from across the industry commit themselves to halving construction waste sent to landfill by 2012

  • HA! My name is Knotweed and your puny tarmac is no barrier to my aggressive growth and well developed root system...

    Does anything eat psyllids?


    Oh dear. Nothing in this article mentions predators for the psyllids (“Knotweed under attack as biologists release killer beetles,” 9 March,

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    A success story


    Thank you for recently bringing to our attention the existence of the Graduate Talent Pool website (29 January, page 32)

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    Young people today


    The recent announcement that the Constructionarium, the UK’s only dedicated site-based training centre for university students could be forced to close as a direct result of a lack of government funding (5 March, page 10) is a worrying sign for the future of our industry

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    Can’t see the wood


    In the context of your story about insurers threatening to pull cover for timber frame (5 March, page 11) you give the impression that six people died in a timber frame building as result of a fire in a housing block in Peckham in November

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    PFI and the Panama Canal


    I read your article on the Tories’ plan to lift the lid on PFI deals (26 February, page 14) and I have to say I think they are getting this one wrong and should look at the history of PFI

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    Ageing gracefully


    Housebuilders need to make profit to have sustainable businesses and the resources to build homes (5 March, leader, page 3) but they risk casting themselves as the bad boys if they resist measures to address the needs of our rapidly ageing population

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    Offering the world


    While I read with interest your interview with Mr Shapps, the shadow housing minister (5 February, page 28), your choice of headline was unfortunate for a professional journal