A green building strategy with a focus on new work and skills is the only way the UK construction industry will be able to compete and survive in a changing world with its emphasis on low carbon (“Mandelson and Morrell reveal green building strategy”, 17 March, building.co.uk

The growth of the green economy affords great opportunities for the building industry but it is imperative that government policy is properly joined up so construction companies can deliver. The retrofitting of the UK’s 26 million homes to make them more energy efficient is a huge market opportunity but unless there is active demand from homeowners, builders won’t be able to find the extra work.

Any new green strategy for construction must be linked to creating demand in the market, which in the case of retrofitting existing homes requires a financial kickstart. Cutting the rate of VAT to 5% for energy improvements to homes would do the trick as we know from independent research that this has the potential to create over 24,000 extra jobs in the construction sector alone. We just need the government to do some joined-up thinking.

Brian Berry, via www.building.co.uk
