All Inbox articles – Page 9

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    Sad state of affairs


    With regards to the letter by KD Overment in your issue of 31 July (page 22), I have been involved in many projects for university buildings and find the attitude of the estates departments often depressing

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    Getting the message across


    I have sympathy with much of the sentiment in Tony Bingham’s article on cover pricing (28 August, page 42)

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    One giant leap for womankind


    The work of organisations such as Women in Property may represent “one small step” (31 July, page 3), but the strides have got noticeably longer

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    A fracas on the home front


    Jon Neale (7 August, page 19) reaches the very doubtful conclusion that building homes for owner occupation will set the scene for a domestic version of the US sub-prime debacle

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    Copy-cat consultancy


    McBains Cooper is a very happy construction consultancy this week. After all, we’ve just been handed the biggest piece of flattery I think we’ve ever had

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    Martial bliss


    Great to hear about the rise of women in the RIBA, RICS, RSPCA, etc (31 July, page 3) but the one thing you missed was that women are far better than men at getting money paid at a contracting business

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    Good riddance


    It was striking to see the large number of articles and letters in last week’s edition (26 June) fretting about, and even anticipating, the demise of partnering and frameworks and the return of dreaded competitive tendering

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    Get it sorted


    My small practice recently lost out because we didn’t “fit the selection criteria”. This was despite the fact that we had worked on about a third of the client’s properties and had performed to everyone’s satisfaction

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    Fight, fight, fight! (productively)


    The trouble with advocates of single-stage competitive tendering and the collaborative crowd, is that they are both coming from the extreme end of their respective spectrums

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    Don’t get the wrong idea


    I enjoyed the interview with Steven Morgan of BAA (26 June, page 26), but it was easy to misinterpret what he had to say about frameworks and collaborative working

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    Find the combination


    Looking behind the headlines (26 June, page 26), I wonder if BAA is really looking to “ditch” frameworks or to question how and where they are used and to what effect?

  • Steven Morgan’s trenchant views on the bracing effects of competition have provoked equally trenchant views from readers …

    What would Aristotle do?


    What a relief to read Steven Morgan’s views on procurement at BAA (26 June, page 26).

  • The Qatari Diar Real Estate Investment Company's controversial Chelsea Barracks scheme, designed by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, has been branded

    Web poll: The Chelsea Barracks furore


    As Prince Charles pooh-poohed Lord Rogers’ design and proposed Quinlan Terry instead, nearly 1,000 readers rushed to our online poll to tell us which they prefer. The results so far? Terry 67%, Rogers 33%

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    What troubled waters?


    Your report “RIBA in turmoil as faction presses for ‘radical change’” (27 March, page 13) is a surprising appearance of fantasy journalism in an otherwise excellent magazine

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    Can you help?


    In December 2003, my son Sebastian launched a campaign to fundraise for a purpose-built facility that would provide much-needed respite for families with seriously ill children

  • Blue sky thinking The Titus Salt School by Anshen + Allen escaped Cabe’s broad thrashing of ɫTV Schools for the Future designs

    Refuting all charges


    Caroline Buckingham (13 March, page 36) accuses Cabe’s schools design panel of not giving fair assessments to designs for ɫTV Schools for the Future (BSF)

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    All change


    Let’s not be naive. Consulting on ways to improve the energy performance of existing buildings is essential in identifying practical solutions in the fight against climate change (“Energy junkies”, 20 March, page 35)

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    Think again


    An open letter to heads of schools

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    I worry that many people who put their hearts into their degrees will find it hard to get jobs in a few years.

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    Entente explosif


    So EDF have bought British Energy?