Architectural correspondent Ike Ijeh picks out his five most memorable projects of 2012

King’s Cross Western Concourse: Space travel

Kings X

The new Western Concourse at King’s Cross Station is covered by Europe’s largest single span roof. Its opening in March represented a milestone in a long period of restoration at the historic terminus.

Kings X

Exhibition Road: Walkin’ & wheels

Exhibition Road

This visionary new shared-surface public space in London’s South Kensington provides an enhanced setting and streetscape for one of the world’s most renowned cultural quarters.

Exhibition Road

Cutty Sark: The crystal ship

An old landmark gets a new setting as the restored Cutty Sark reopens. The vessel now strides a distinctive glass ‘wave’ under which new visitor and exhibitions spaces are housed.

The aviation sector: Turbulence ahead


As the battle over airport capacity in south-east England rages on, a look at the various options available to the government and what impact they may have on the built environment.



Crowning glories: The royals & architecture


To celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, a look back through history at the impact her and some of her illustrious predecessors have had on architecture.
