Opinion – Page 275
Mid-sized construction firms are being hit hardest financially according to Experian
Research suggests firms with 51-100 employees are faring worse in recession
Hansom: sincerest form of flattery
The world at large is finally giving the construction industry the respect it deserves: Gleeds the musical, QSs making it onto the high street and the Sunday Telegraph basically trying to be ɫTV
The tracker: signs of life
Overall activity is static and prices continue to be reduced, but enquiries and orders are higher than last month. Experian Economics examines the latest figures
It's all pants: Unreliable economic indicators
We keep being fed confusing, contradictory, even wrong industry figures - often based on something as haphazard as the sale of underwear. You may as well ask Mystic Meg
Wonders and blunders: Christina Seilern
Christina Seilern is dreaming of a holiday - but you won’t catch her travelling out of Luton airport. Stansted, on the other hand, provides the perfect start to a journey
Inbox: That's enough
This week, readers have had it with airports near their homes, having to operate at unsustainable margins, those late-paying main contractors and architects’ stardom-seeking experiments
Beach volleyball stars distract Cameron from quelling riots
Volleyball replaced the mob in central London this week as Olympic organisers shifted tonnes of Surrey sand to Horseguards Parade
Why PV panel installations fail
The feed-in tariff will see an explosion in solar PV installations but no current standard can mean a wrong specification and a leaking roof
Forecasters’ views vary on depth and length of construction’s second drop into recession
Hewes forecast expects no growth before 2013 in any private sectors other than industrial
The UK riots: Is architecture irrelevant?
What, if anything, can architecture do to address the social ills at the heart of London’s recent unrest?
Pan-industry construction survey points to weak private sector recovery
The Construction Products Association’s latest survey confirms predictions that private sector cuts are taking effect
'Just and equitable': Carillion JM vs Phi Group
In this case the court considered the meaning of “same damage” and a “just and equitable” contribution under the Civil Liability (Contribution) Act 1978.
Get your fix
Is the coalition’s reform of the planning system a canny solution, or will it backfire?
Design defects: Careful what you claim
It’s a tough claims market out there with insurers taking a strict approach to the policy wording. Contractors should think twice before they splash out to resolve a design defect
Hansom: raising eyebrows
There are some unlikely combinations this week - a surveyor turns model, a virtual brick app, a car that runs on wine and construction managers with a penchant for ponies. Takes all sorts, you know
Procure 21+: The £800m typo
The government set construction’s blood pressure rising recently by seeming to announce a sharp drop in funds for Procure21+. In fact, the life support system isn’t about to be turned off. Katie Puckett reports on how a tiny error shook the flagship health framework
Infrastructure: A thing of beauty?
Infrastructure can be seen everywhere so it’s a shame it’s often so ugly. Let’s hope for some inspired entries in the energy department’s competition to update the UK’s pylons
Wonders & blunders with Annabella Nassetti
Gaudí’s Sagrada Família has been a century in the building but still Annabella Nassetti would like to knock it down and start again. Thank heavens for La Pedrera, a monument that moves
Engineering courses: Get real
Engineering courses give students a great theoretical grounding but to foster creative minds we need an earlier emphasis on encountering real life