Warning comes as industry braces itself for cuts to NI鈥檚 grant in comprehensive spending review

Northern Ireland鈥檚 construction industry is facing 30,000 job cuts if plans to scrap capital spending go ahead.

According to the Belfast Telegraph, the Construction Employers Federation (CEF) has asked Stormont to limit the cuts to capital spending in order to minimise the impact on construction jobs.

Over 30,000 building workers are expected to lose their jobs by the end of next year if planned cuts go ahead, while 21,000 jobs have already been lost over the past 30 months.

Ciaran Fox, manager of the CEF, said: 鈥淥ur sense is that if the cuts are anywhere near the levels that are being talked of, the rate of job loses will continue at least at that level and we are talking about well over 30,000 jobs in total being lost by the end of 2011.鈥

Northern Ireland鈥檚 woes are being increased with the expectation that Chancellor George Osborne will dramatically reduce its grant in the Comprehensive Spending Review.