Construction director claims most while chief exec spent just 拢99 entertaining

Figures released by the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) reveal that board members and directors submitted expenses claims for over 拢56,000 last year, including for memory sticks, flowers and cups of coffee.

The notes to the body鈥檚 annual report show that construction director Howard Shiplee was the biggest claimant, submitting expenses for 拢15,056, which included 拢10,023 on accommodation costs and 拢773 on entertaining. His guests included Mace, Davis Langdon, CH2M Hill, Crossrail and Bovis Lend Lease.

Chief executive David Higgins submitted a claim for 拢2,396 that revealed his preference for public transport over taxis. His annual taxi bill was 拢328.50, compared with a 拢784 claim for public transport fares. He spent only 拢99 on entertaining, 拢76 of which was at a Canary Wharf restaurant called Plateau, a favoured haunt of the ODA bosses, according to their expense claims.

ODA chairman John Armitt submitted a 拢8,974 claim, which included 拢266.34 on four lunches at First Edition restaurant in Docklands.

The annual report showed that the wage bill was 拢15.25m, producing an average salary of 拢67,000. The highest paid director was paid 拢438,000 compared with 拢537,000 last year. Chairman Armitt received 拢250,000.

The report also shows that delivery partner CLM was paid 拢141m, by the ODA including a performance bonus of 拢47m.

Other payments included 拢1.5m to consultant Capita Symonds, 拢4.2m to organising committee LOCOG, 拢3.2m to the London borough of Newham, 拢30m to Network Rail and 拢76m to Transport for London.