Chancellor unveils new infrastructure cash for the Midlands

Chancellor Philip Hammond has allocated 拢392m of funding to boost the UK鈥檚 so-called 鈥楳idlands Engine鈥.

Speaking in Birmingham after delivering his first Budget yesterday, Hammond said the funding would help the Midlands realise its 鈥渆normous economic potential鈥.

The 拢392m funding for the Midlands comes on top of 拢1.5bn of Local Growth Fund cash already allocated to the region.

Projects to receive funding include 拢25m for tackling congestion and improving connectivity in the Black Country, 拢25m for transport infrastrucutre in Coventry and Warwickshire and 拢12m in transport improvements in Loughborough.

As part of a wider Midlands Engine strategy, the government also invited the region to set up a Midlands Connect transport body, which will oversee improvements including a roll-out of smart ticketing on buses in the region by 2018.

Other plans include greater co-operation to maximise the benefits from HS2 and the roll-out of 5G services in the region.