Mayor gets commitment to increase affordable housing to 50% of development

The Mayor of London has approved the 10,000-home Barking Riverside scheme, to be built on a 180 hectare brownfield site.

The site, which was previously home to three power stations and a large amount of landfill, will include affordable homes to rent and those for first-time buyers, across a mixture of one, two and three-bedroom homes.

Sadiq Khan has obtained a commitment from joint developers housing association L&Q and the Greater London Authority to boost the amount of affordable housing from 35% at the outset to 50% over time, through additional investment.

Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands is the masterplanner.

Khan said: 鈥淚鈥檝e made it clear that tackling London鈥檚 housing crisis is my number-one priority. Fixing this problem will be a marathon, not a sprint, but developments like this one will play a huge part in our efforts to provide genuinely affordable homes to buy and rent.

鈥淥ur next task is to ensure this development includes the facilities and infrastructure which will make this a fantastic place to live and to visit, rather than simply a housing development.鈥