Golf course and land remediation contractor taken over

Keltbray has completed its acquisition of golf course design and construction specialist Golf Environmental Limited.

The demolition giant will incorporate the firm鈥檚 sport and land remediation expertise into a new subsidiary, Keltbray Golf Environmental.

The acquisition provides Keltbray with new soil disposal and group operational hubs in Basingstoke, Birmingham, Oxford, Reigate and Uxbridge.

It hopes the deal will help the firm reach its target of reducing landfill by 50% by 2012 from 2008 levels.

David Jenner, managing director of Kelbray, said: 鈥淜eltbray Golf Environmental is a demonstration of the agility and quality of response to our customers鈥 needs and further secures our ongoing commitment to delivering performance that exceeds expectation and reducing waste.鈥