Jeremy Hackett, a QS who is leading the campaign to reverse the RICS' recent fee increase, has said he is about to call an extraordinary general meeting.
Under the RICS constitution a member can trigger a meeting by collecting signatures from members.

Hackett said: "We are a week or two away from calling the EGM. We need at least 860 signatures but hopefully we will have 2500."

He said that time was running out to take action. "The new subscriptions are due from the first of January. I think the RICS is about to start preparing invoices," he said.

Hackett predicted that members would reject recent increases in fees of up to 32%. He said: "That level of increase is mad 鈥 it is announcing the RICS is bankrupt."

A spokesperson for the RICS denied the organisation was in financial difficulties. He noted that members had approved the fee increases in May.