New civil service position would be main point of contact between government and industry

The government is to consult on the potential for introducing a new chief construction officer post to strengthen ties between the industry and Whitehall.

The civil service position would be the main point of engagement between industry and government. The officer would work across government departments to address the problem of fragmented construction policy across government.

The official鈥檚 duties could include:

  • Working with OGC and other organisations to promote best practice in construction procurement
  • Acting as the main point of engagement between Government and industry
  • Helping to oversee the implementation of Government policy, such as the Strategy for Sustainable Construction
  • Championing the industry鈥檚 image
  • Promoting regulatory consistency across departments
  • Helping to co-ordinate the timing of major public sector construction programmes or projects
  • Promoting innovation in the industry

The move comes as part of a response to a key recommendation in the Construction Matters report by the House of Commons Business and Enterprise Committee. Business secretary John Hutton said:

"We have known for some time that the industry has felt it needs more dedicated Whitehall support and for government departments to be more joined-up and holistic in their approach to procurement and policy development. That is why we have embraced the BERR Committee鈥檚 recommendation regarding the creation of a new role to champion the sector and to ensure that Government remains consistent and focused in its relationship with this vital sector."