How much is Crossrail going to cost? 好色先生TV reveals what we know about the rail project鈥檚 delay 


While the original opening date of Crossrail has more than come and gone, the project's central section now finally has an opening date 24 May 2022.

But there are still plenty of questions around how the scheme fell so far behind.

As Transport for London (TfL), the Department for Transport (DfT) and Crossrail Ltd close in on completing the project, there are queries around how much it is all going to cost and what got the mega-project into this position in the first place.

Take a look at what we know so far.

When was the line due to open?

An update by Westminster council let slip online that the central section of Crossrail was scheduled to open on 9 December 2018, as part of its follow-up to the decision to reject the pedestrianisation of Oxford Street.

What is to blame for Crossrail鈥檚 delay?

When announcing the delay Crossrail said the schedule has been revised 鈥渢o complete the final infrastructure and extensive testing required鈥.

Subsequently, the first chief executive of Crossrail Rob Holden blamed a decision to delay procurement of rolling stock for the scheme鈥檚 failure to hit its December 2018 opening date. A TfL spokesperson denied this saying: 鈥淭he procurement of the trains has had no impact on the delayed opening of the central section.鈥

Mark Wild has previously blamed the tunnelling for delays at Bond Street and has said the original plan to get the scheme open was 鈥渇antasy鈥.

The delay to the summer 2021 opening date was at least partially blamed on the covid-19 pandemic.

Were there warning signs?

Nearly two months before the delay to Crossrail was confirmed, the Infrastructure Projects Authority flagged potential issues with the scheme.

In its , the Infrastructure Projects Authority gave Crossrail an amber delivery confidence assessment meaning it was looking at a cost or schedule overrun if 鈥渟ignificant issues鈥 were not addressed. It was the first time the project has received a rating below a green category in the six years the report has been produced.

>> Analysis: What鈥檚 gone wrong 鈥 and why at Crossrail
>> Analysis: Crossrail 鈥 still waiting on the platform
>> Analysis: How is the Crossrail delay impacting local businesses
>> Project visit: Crossrail is approaching the finish: All aboard the Elizabeth Line
>> Interview: Mark Wild - Why Crossrail will be worth the wait

How much is Crossrail going to cost?

At the moment the official known cost has topped the 拢18.6bn-mark. 

While the 2020 bailout was confirmed to bring the total thus far to 拢18.6bn - though the project has maintained that it will need up to the 拢1.1bn it was asking for when it was handed 拢825m in December 2020.

The latest estimate on the funding shortfall is 拢174m.

On 10 December 2018 it was revealed that Crossrail was set to cost up to an additional 拢2bn with the Greater London Authority set to grant TfL a 拢1.4bn loan to finish off the scheme.

When is Crossrail now due to open?

Crossrail has confirmed that central section trains will start running on 24 May 2022. Full line services are expected to be within the next 12 months.

Crossrail confirmed it would miss its proposed central section opening date of summer 2021, blaming the covid-19 pandemic, among other factors, for the latest delays. It then said it would open in the first half of this year, which was narrowed to be between February and June late in 2021.

Bond Street will not open in line with the rest of the central London stations and is expected to do so three months later.

Back in April 2019 Crosrail boss Mark Wild saidd the scheme would open some time between October 2020 and March 2021. 

When the delay was first announched it was meant to open before the end of autumn 2019, but then the London Assembly put a cat among the pigeons suggesting Crossrail may not open until December 2019 鈥 a full 12 months later than it was originally due to open.

Key dates in Crossrail鈥檚 delay

4 May 2022: It is announced that Crossrail's central section will open on 24 May 2022 

April 2022: Letter from Crossrail boss Mark Wild to PAC chair Meg Hillier reveals funding shortfall has stretched to 拢174m

March 2022: Crossrail boss Mark Wild says Bond Street will open three months after the rest of the central section

February 2022: Crossrail chief executive Mark Wild says the opening of a new station at Ilford Crossrail is up in the air because of a 鈥渟tructural issue鈥 involving a damaged concrete slab

24 November 2021: Crossrail says it is likely to need at least 拢150m more - but reiterates this is within the 拢1.1bn it said it needed back in 2020

22 November 2021: The project鈥檚 leadership team confirms that the final testing phase, trial operations, stage began on 20 November

29 October 2021: The Public Accounts Committee reveals that the covid pandemic has added 拢234m to the Crossrail bill 

Mid-October 2021: A redacted opening date in May 2021 is floated in a Jacobs project representative report

August 2021: Paddington becomes latest Crossrail station handed over to TfL

July 2021: The National Audit Office says Crossrail will needed to find at least 拢100m to finish

June 2021: Woolwich station handed over to TfL

12 May 2021: Crossrail confirms trial running has begun

March 2021: Farringdon station is handed over to Transport for London.

1 December 2020: Crossrail gets 拢825m bailout. The organisation had been looking for 拢1bn.

22 October 2020: Crossrail says trial running, the next testing phase, will start in Q1 2021

2 October 2020: Covid pushes the completion of the eastern and western branch stations into 2021

4 September 2020: Crossrail once again concedes it may need to open without Bond Street

21 August 2020: Crossrail confirms the cost of finishing the project will top 拢19bn and the line will not be ready until the first half of 2022.

23 July 2020: The opening of Crossrail is pushed back a third time with the railway this evening admitting defeat on plans to get the key central section of the line up and running next summer

25 June 2020: Crossrail and the Costain Skanska joint venture building the project鈥檚 problem Bond Street project part ways 鈥 despite the station being the only Crossrail terminus not ready for the next stage of testing 

24 March 2020: All TfL and Crossrail construction sites are shutdown because of coronavirus

19 March 2020: Crossrail's Bond Street station site is closed because of covid-19

6 January 2020: TfL commissioner Mike Brown says his organisation is planning for Crossrail to complete in the final quarter of 2021

8 November 2019: Crossrail chief executive Mark Wild says the line won't open in 2020 and will need between 拢400m and 拢650m to be finished

23 September 2019: Chair Tony Meggs admits Crossrail could be another six months late and need a further 拢400m to finish it off

30 August 2019: Crossrail鈥檚 frustration with the two firms behind Bond Street station breaks into the open with the railway鈥檚 board calling for 鈥渆xpected and necessary鈥 leadership changes at the Costain/Skanska joint venture

3 May 2019: A National Audit Office report reveals that the expected cost of finishing seven Crossrail stations has increased by more than 拢2bn. It also says Crossrail needs to motivate contractors with financial bonuses in order to get the 拢17.6bn job done in a 鈥渢imely and efficient manner鈥.

25 April 2019: Chief executive Mark Wild says the company had earmarked a six month delivery window for the 拢17.8bn scheme 鈥渨ith a midpoint at the end of 2020鈥 meaning Crossrail will open some time between October that year and March 2021. Bond Street station will not open in that window.

3 April 2019: In a report the Public Accounts Committee says it is 鈥渦nconvinced鈥 Crossrail鈥檚 拢2.8bn bailout will be enough, and slams executives for their 鈥渦nacceptable鈥 inability to explain the delays.

25 January 2019: KPMG鈥檚 review of Crossrail鈥檚 financial arrangements and governance is . It reveals that there is only an 80% chance that Crossrail will be built within its newly approved budget and that the scheme is costing 拢30m a week

10 December 2018: It was revealed that Crossrail would cost up to another 拢2bn to finish  and that no one knew when it would open. Infrastructure and Projects Authority boss Tony Meggs is named chair while former Labour MP Nick Raynsford takes up the vice chair role.

5 December 2018: Sir Terry Morgan officially ousted from his roles at both Crossrail and HS2.

23 November 2018: National Audit Office confirms it will launch a probe into Crossrail鈥檚 delay

2 November 2018: TfL and Crossrail announce that Mark Wild will join Crossrail as chief executive, with the company鈥檚 current boss Simon Wright stepping down. TfL said Wright鈥檚 departure was 鈥渁s planned鈥. He was in the job for eight months.

26 October 2018: The government announces it has pumped 拢350m into Crossrail to keep the project on track.

31 August 2018: It is officially announced that Crossrail鈥檚 opening had been delayed by at least nine months to autumn 2019. The company behind the project said the schedule has been revised 鈥渢o complete the final infrastructure and extensive testing required鈥.

24 July 2018: An annual update on Crossrail from then transport minister Jo Johnson said the Department for Transport (DfT) and Transport for London (TfL) had agreed to the new 拢15.4bn funding figure. Last year the figure was expected to be 拢14.8bn.

6 July 2018: In its , the Infrastructure Projects Authority gave Crossrail an amber delivery confidence assessment meaning it was looking at a cost or schedule overrun if 鈥渟ignificant issues鈥 were not addressed. It was the first time the project has received a rating below a green category.