Housing group will deliver 2,800 homes across three neighbourhoods

High Path

Clarion Housing Group鈥檚 拢1bn plan to transform three housing estates in the London Borough of Merton has been given the stamp of approval.

The plans, which were okay鈥檇 by Merton鈥檚 planning committee, will deliver around 2,800 new homes across three neighbourhoods 鈥 Eastfields and Ravensbury in Mitcham and High Path in Wimbledon 鈥 along with 9,000m虏 of retail, leisure, office, work and community space.

More than 200 of the new homes are ear-marked for existing resident homeowners, allowing them a new home at no additional cost on a full freehold or leasehold basis. 

A further 1,800 homes will be built to rent and buy. 

Bob Beaumont, director of regeneration, estimated the projects could create up to 700 construction jobs a year and would see 拢30m of community infrastructure payments.

Work on the first new homes on these will start later this year.

Cllr Martin Whelton, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Environment and Housing, said: 鈥淭he regeneration of High Path, Ravensbury and Eastfields will provide huge benefits to the residents there and to the wider community in Merton by bringing much needed new housing to these areas, improving the local environment and creating jobs.鈥 

The regeneration of the three Estates will benefit from over 拢15m of grant funding through the GLA鈥檚 Homes for Londoners 2016-2021 programme.