Website shows off all the architect’s latest projects, including the giant Kuwaiti City of Silk

Webmaster’s verdict have done their homework and have managed to pull off something I’ve not seen before. We have an extremely slick-looking pure Flash website on the surface, but rendered via underlying plain HTML. This clever trickery will better expose their content to search engines unlike other Flash websites.

Aesthetically, the site is a pleasure to look at, and content is well laid out and accessible with a good choice of colours. The project pages use space well, leaving you with a visual and informative experience.

The main thing letting the site down is the repetition of page titles, which should be unique to each page on the site and stuffed with keywords to feed Google with.

Vital statistics

1,639,208th most popular site on the internet globally, as ranked by web information company Alexa

Google ranking
4/10: This ranking indicates how important it is to other sites that link to it

Inbound links
Yahoo: 243

This shows how many pages Yahoo says link to the site

Indexed pages
Google: 452
Yahoo: 643

This shows how many pages on the site have been recorded by Google and Yahoo.