In this mini cost model, Davis Langdon & Everest and Mott Green & Wall examine the costs of audiovisual systems, which are appearing everywhere in the workplace, from offices to in-house gyms, and across the leisure industry in pubs, restaurants and football grounds

<B><FONT SIZE=鈥+2鈥>Applications across the workplace</FONT></B>No self-respecting business would fit-out offices without the latest audiovisual technology. But this equipment is also becoming a part of everyday life in many other areas, including theme pubs and restaurants, exhibitions and conferences, cinema foyers, football grounds and health clubs.
In the office environment, video conferencing is becoming more common as companies realise that travel 鈥 and the time spent doing it 鈥 is very costly. The trend for team working and partnering is also encouraging the use of this technology.
Boardrooms around the country are now being fitted out with the latest audio, video and data projection equipment. These include cassette, CD and minidisc players, video recorders, DVD players, satellite decoders, slide projectors, whiteboards and flipcharts.
Here are four case studies with costs for installing such equipment. These are a conference room with video conferencing facility; a fitness centre within a headquarters office; a simple video wall within a high-tech reception area; and a fully equipped boardroom with multi-use facility as a video conference room and multimedia presentation suite. The second model could equally apply to situations outside the office environment.

<B><FONT SIZE=鈥+2鈥>Case study #1</FONT></B><B>Facility</B> Headquarters office conference room with data and video projection and video conferencing
<B>Client</B> Manufacturer
<B>Procurement</B> Construction management: part of client鈥檚 refurbishment and fit-out of headquarters building
<B>Space description</B> Rectangular 15 m long room

<B><FONT SIZE=鈥+2鈥>Case study #2</FONT></B><B>Facility</B> Fitness centre
<B>Client</B> Multinational company
<B>Procurement</B> Part of a large package of audiovisual requirements for a multinational company, fitting out a new UK headquarters building
<B>Space description</B> Gymnasium area (450 m2), aerobics room (100 m2), health and beauty rooms (50 m2), fitness monitoring rooms (25 m2)

<B><FONT SIZE=鈥+2鈥>Case study #3</FONT></B><B>Facility</B> Reception video wall
<B>Client</B> Multinational company
<B>Procurement</B> Part of a large package of audiovisual requirements for a multinational company fitting out a new UK headquarters

<B><FONT SIZE=鈥+2鈥>case study #4</FONT></B><B>Facility</B> Headquarters boardroom audiovisual and video conferencing system. Boardroom also to be used as multimedia presentation environment
<B>Client</B> Financial services organisation
<B>Procurement</B> As part of client鈥檚 fit-out of refurbished office building
<B>Space description</B> Boardroom designed for 30 seated people
<B>Types of presentation required</B> PC-based presentations (desktop or laptop), video conferencing (up to 25 people), video replay, large-screen terrestrial and satellite television, white board and flip-chart