All Analysis articles – Page 3

  • Betting the house

    Right to buy: Betting the house


    Joey Gardiner scrutinises the Tories’ plans to extend right to buy to housing associations

  • Election 2015

    Floating voters: Five years on


    ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV catches up with a group of senior floating voters from the construction industry to ask them what they learnt from the last election

  • Ed Miliband

    Ed Miliband’s letter to the construction industry


    Leader of the Labour party responds to ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV’s manifesto aims

  • Nick Clegg

    Nick Clegg’s letter to the construction industry


    Leader of the Liberal Democrats responds to ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV’s manifesto aims

  • Locations of contracts awarded in March

    Market review: Steady progress


    Construction activity increased in March against a backdrop of wider economic stability, with low inflation, low unemployment and forecasts for moderate growth. Michael Dall goes through the highlights of Barbour ABI’s monthly Economic Construction Market Review

  • Attitudes to BIM

    BIM survey results: Levelling off?


    The government is backing it. Firms are paying top dollar for people that can do it. So why does the number of firms using building information modelling actually seem to be falling?

  • Power up for Level 3

    BIM: Power up for Level 3


    The strategy document for BIM Level 3 - Digital Built Britain - is big on aspiration but comes up a little short on the details

  • Brookfield

    Brookfield Multiplex: A decade later


    As main contractor on the delayed Wembley stadium and chief player in the legal battle afterwards, Multiplex became a byword for tough contracting. But 10 years on the firm is set to become a £1bn turnover contractor

  • The Farrell Review

    The Farrell Review: Into the long grass?


    One year on from the publication of Terry Farrell’s review of architecture and the built environment, it’s time to see whether the government is prepared to support good design - or whether it will favour continued procrastination

  • Stratford Academy, under construction

    Do priority schools add up?


    The picture emerging from some of the few completed priority schools is one of cut-price, smaller buildings with potentially higher long-term maintenance costs

  • Locations of contracts awarded in February

    Market review: Ebb and flow


    Construction takes an unexpected drop - its first year-on-year fall since May 2013 - but the wider UK economy makes a strong start to 2015. Michael Dall presents highlights of Barbour ABI’s latest monthly Economic Construction Market Review

  • UKIP posters

    UKIP: The vocal minority


    Control immigration and large areas of British countryside will not need to be destroyed by housebuilding, says UKIP. Nationalist populism at its most simplistic, perhaps, but the party’s anti-development stance is bearing down on politics at a local level

  • Birmingham’s new John Lewis store

    Birmingham’s buzz


    Not so long ago, the greatest thing about Birmingham was finding a road out of it. But in little more than a decade it has transformed itself into a thriving urban centre that businesses and people are flocking to be part of

  • Apprentices

    Apprentices in construction: One step forward…


    For construction to exploit the economic recovery, it will need about 30,000 new skilled workers each year - that’s about double the number of apprentices the industry is training up

  • Market review: Silver linings

    Market review: Silver linings


    Growth may have slowed in the fourth quarter of 2014, but there are positive signs for the UK economy and construction elsewhere. Here are highlights of Barbour ABI’s latest monthly Economic Construction Market Review

  • Small housebuilders

    SME housebuilders: Small talk


    The proportion of homes built by small housebuilders has halved in recent years. So, with listed builders increasing output and reporting record profits, why are their smaller competitors still struggling to make ends meet?

  • Prepare to be boarded

    Prepare to be boarded


    With the recession over, rising turnover and damaged valuations have left construction firms in a climate perfect for acquisition deals. Are you in a position to grow your business or is it time to sell up?

  • Locations of contracts awarded in 2014

    Market review: Slowly does it


    Growth continues throughout the UK economy and construction sectors, but the gains being made are slowing down significantly. Here are highlights of Barbour ABI’s latest monthly Economic Construction Market Review

  • Unwanted site

    No man’s land: Unwanted supermarket sites


    Supermarkets are responding to the UK’s shift in shopping habits by massively cutting back their development programmes, leaving the construction industry and affected communities wondering what will happen to the unwanted sites

  • Market review - November

    Market review: A slight dip


    The value of construction contracts awarded in the UK dropped to £5.8bn in November, with residential accounting for the highest proportion of contracts awarded by value. Here are highlights of Barbour ABI’s latest monthly Economic Construction Market Review