Providing jobs as well as homes …

City & Provincial subsidiary BandValley could create 400 jobs with its regeneration scheme at Stockwell Green, south London.
City & Provincial subsidiary BandValley could create 400 jobs with its regeneration scheme at Stockwell Green, south London. The Hawkins Brown-designed scheme includes 290 homes and 89,000 ft2 of commercial space. Homes will be for private sale, rent and shared ownership and will range from one- to four-bedroom flats.

The £350m regeneration of Liverpool’s Edge Lane area will give the city a new gateway to the east, as well as creating 1900 jobs.
The £350m regeneration of Liverpool’s Edge Lane area will give the city a new gateway to the east, as well as creating 1900 jobs. The project, led by Liverpool Land Development Company, involves improving roads and providing some 550 homes and more than 1m ft2 of new and refurbished commercial, retail and community space. LLDC’s partners include the North-west regional development agency, English Partnerships, Kensington Regeneration, Community 7 Housing Association and the New Heartlands market renewal pathfinder.