All articles by Tony Bingham – Page 19

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    A salty tale


    If two parties to a dispute give different accounts of what happened, courts look for something on paper. Trouble is, documents can be too persuasive

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    The silent service


    Adjudicators aren't private eyes – or inquiry judges – looking into every detail of a case. They're paid just to assess the arguments … then keep their mouths shut

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    Stakes and ladders


    If you skip a square at the very beginning of an adjudication you may find that at the end of it – when there's most to lose – you have to start all over again

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    Performance driven


    They're nice little runners – quick, reliable, easy to handle … But the only way to be sure adjudicators are roadworthy is to put them through their MOT

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    Gripping stuff


    Professional negligence claims can be damned difficult, so is it asking too much to create a breed of adjudicators capable of grasping the issues?

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    Shadows and doubt


    An adjudicator's decision can be thrown out over the merest hint of unfairness. Good news for the system's integrity, bad news for parties left in limbo

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    No job for Superman


    Any adjudicator who comes to a dispute too convinced of their own expertise may not be able to judge the case in an open-minded, impartial way

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    Doing the twist


    Judges don't like it when a party plays fast and loose with the adjudication process, shifting ground opportunistically or otherwise giving itself wriggle room

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    Suspect everyone


    Look, it's nothing personal but I just don't trust any of you – and you'd be mad to trust me or each other. If we could all understand this, there'd a lot less grief

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    Check, please


    In the JCT design-and-build form, an application for payment automatically becomes the sum due. So how can an employer avoid paying an inflated bill?

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    Give 'em their due


    Stonecarvers at the Royal Courts of Justice job in 1880 lost out when the employer withheld money. If only they'd had the Construction Act to protect them …

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    The ugly duckling test


    Here's some fresh case law to help us understand Carter vs Nuttall, one of last year's causes célèbres: it's all about distinguishing between water fowl

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    Cos I say so


    A recent Court of Appeal case clarifies when an adjudicator has the authority to decide his own authority and whether the parties have to go along with him

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    A watertight sieve


    It's an all-risks insurance policy! Every single risk is covered! Nothing's left out! It's completely watertight! You can't lose! Unless, of course … Oh dear …

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    Beware of bunny boilers


    Getting yourself out of a failed relationship with your builders can be liberating, but be very, very careful how you do it – they could take a terrible revenge …

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    Ask the aspidistra


    The new construction minister wanted to know about the industry, so he did something rather unusual: he asked it. Here is what it replied

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    Cruel and usual treatment


    You contractors get stroppy when your subbies fail to deliver, but the culprit is often the dodgy, lazy, time-honoured ways of the good old British building industry

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    The peacemakers


    Dispute resolution boards are supposed to head off problems before they escalate into armed conflict. Question is, how do they do the heading off?

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    Angels and Martians


    Homeowners are from heaven and builders are from Mars and it will take a brave organisation to reconcile them. So, hats off to the Construction Conciliation Group

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    Legal substances


    Were you too busy to plough through the summer's output of construction law books? Fear not, dear reader, your legal beagle has sniffed through them for you