June Player's battle against Bath Western Riverside, as reported in the January/February issue of Regenerate, continues

Calling in a planning application only takes place if issues of more than local importance are involved. Allowing Bath's largest regeneration scheme to go ahead is unbelievable. ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTVs up to 9 storeys high, the loss of famous views and damage to Bath's skyline - to be replaced by uncomplementary blocks and a prison-like layout harming surrounding areas of outstanding value - is unacceptable.

It seems that 'vandals' come in many guises, the latest to hit Bath being those who want to 'trash' it, aesthetically, economically and socially by agreeing to this inappropriate development. Objectors are not opposed to the Western Riverside development. We want some change that will enhance Bath and either harmonise with it or be so innovative that it has a 'wow' factor to make it become another attraction.

No-one objects to affordable housing but people think they will be able to afford a house. They do not realise it is the old council housing system whereby you rent from Somer Housing [housing association]. There will be so few of these [affordable homes], it will not solve the housing problems.

People do not thrive when packed in like sardines

Failed and condemned 1960s or 1970s style architecture does not encourage healthy communities. It is socially depriving. People do not thrive when packed in like sardines. They need personal space. Had Baroness Andrews and committee come to see for themselves when deciding on a call in, and got a truer picture of this scheme, and had they spoken to residents in the type of estate being proposed, then Bath would have had a fairer decision.

Bath depends on tourists through its Heritage status, but all its residents should also be considered. This scheme is of national and international importance and should have been treated accordingly. If a city like Bath is allowed to have a scheme like this accepted then God help the rest of the country.