What does the safe, predictable delivery of energy look like for the many sectors that are central to the ambition? Hollie Tye reports on a roundtable hosted by Gleeds and 好色先生TV

The mix of energy supply is a key determinant in hitting net zero and in achieving the targets set by our global leaders on generation and storage.

In November, a panel of experts gathered to address what safe, predictable energy delivery might look like. Sponsored by Gleeds and chaired by 好色先生TV鈥檚 special projects editor, Jordan Marshall, the panel saw discussion of not only the opportunities and the usual challenges (time, risk and cost, including supply chain issues and resource capacity) but also the likelihood of project successes, links to emerging technologies, policy requirements and the skills needed to deliver on UK and global commitments.

Declan Burke, director of nuclear projects and development at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), kicked off the discussion, saying: 鈥淪table, resilient energy is the backbone of an economy.鈥 He added that the war in Ukraine has brought energy resilience to the forefront, especially the fact that around 80% of our primary energy use comes from fossil fuels. He summed it up: 鈥淭here鈥檚 a lot to do.鈥


Right (from far left, clockwise around the table): Shekhar Sumit, Jordan Marshall, Joe Seifert, Graham Harle, Declan Burke, Gavin Dobbing, Alastair Evans, Andy Ellis, Tom Samson and Rob Falconer

Communication over conflict

For Gavin Dobbing, project director at Gleeds, one of the big challenges is balancing the conflict between the global benefits of less carbon and the local impacts of construction projects. 鈥淭here are people who want the benefits of 21st-century energy infrastructure; they want low carbon, but would like all the impact to be somewhere else,鈥 he said.

Exacerbating the major energy challenges are wider issues of communication between providers and users. Graham Harle, chief executive officer at Gleeds, said: 鈥淚f you ask the general public what the supply of energy will look like in 15 years, they don鈥檛 know.鈥 With growing fears of energy blackouts this winter, communication is key. What鈥檚 needed is a strategy that all the industry players can buy into and take to the local community.


Joe Seifert, Graham Harle and Declan Burke

鈥淚t鈥檚 a nuanced aspect in terms of engaging with the local community,鈥 added Shekhar Sumit, head of energy transition at Sizewell C. The 3.2MW nuclear power station on the Suffolk coast was given the green light in the autumn statement and will be built next to Sizewell B. 鈥淗oping to form a replica of Somerset鈥檚 Hinkley Point C, the team will take the lessons learnt and apply them in the pursuit of reliable, low carbon electricity for another 6 million of the country鈥檚 homes.鈥

鈥淭here are concerns,鈥 continued Sumit. 鈥淎nd that needs to be addressed. But there is also lots of recognition for the positives that projects bring to the area.鈥

Andy Ellis, regional director and head of energy at Gleeds, expanded further, saying that confidence levels 鈥 whether it be from investors, government, the industry or society as a whole 鈥 are a challenge. He said: 鈥淪econdly, it鈥檚 about capacity. Confidence and capacity. Do we have the right resources? Do we have the right digital tools? Do we have the right people?鈥

Going nuclear

Tom Samson, chief executive officer at Rolls-Royce SMR, argued that the way to make a difference is with nuclear power. He said: 鈥淣uclear power today is about 10% of the world鈥檚 electricity but it actually contributes around 40% of global clean energy production. If we want to make a real impact, we need to find ways of making nuclear much more achievable and attainable.鈥

Samson believes the challenge in the UK is 鈥渦nlocking the great potential that nuclear has by finding ways to make decisions.鈥 With the world鈥檚 energy still 85% dependent on fossil fuels, despite all the work already done, delaying decision-making will only exacerbate the issue.


Gavin Dobbing and Rob Falconer

鈥淭here is so much value that nuclear can bring to the wider energy system,鈥 said SZC鈥檚 Sumit.鈥淥ne challenge is having the necessary supply chain, skills, experience and knowledge to drive projects forward.鈥 BEIS鈥檚 Burke expanded: 鈥淣uclear is something that the UK is good at and we鈥檙e excited to do more of it.鈥

鈥淭here are many things that the solar industry can do when given the right circumstances,鈥 said Rob Falconer, manager for solar energy at Parabel. Originally a German company, the team have developed and built several solar plants in the UK. Falconer professed solar to be the 鈥渕ature鈥 technology around the table and said that 鈥渋t鈥檚 the quickest to market鈥.

He added: 鈥淭he grid is gridlocked, and that will now apply to small nuclear as well as everybody else. And that needs to be addressed. The big challenge is: what鈥檚 going to happen with the grid?鈥

What about hydrogen?

Joe Seifert, chief executive officer at Vertex Hydrogen, said: 鈥淭he UK is frankly very advanced [on hydrogen].鈥 Vertex Hydrogen is designing, developing and building the UK鈥檚 first low carbon hydrogen production plant, potentially the first low carbon hydrogen project in the world.

The government鈥檚 plan for industrial decarbonisation, is initially built around two clusters 鈥 HyNet North West and the East Coast Cluster. The goal is to provide infrastructure to capture, transport and lock away carbon dioxide emissions from industry. Seifert added: 鈥淏lue and green hydrogen production facilities will be supported by hydrogen transportation and storage infrastructure 鈥 this requires scale to be efficient.鈥

Policy priorities


Clockwise from top left: Declan Burke, Rob Falconer, Shekhar Sumit, Joe Seifert. Graham Harle and Gavin Dobbing

All the panellists agreed that a clear policy is fundamental. 鈥淲e need a clear strategy, led by the government, that we can all get behind,鈥 argued Gleeds鈥 Ellis. 鈥淕etting those decisions is key to getting confidence across the industry and getting the right funding in place to allow supply chains to go and invest.鈥

Talking about the Nuclear Energy (Financing) Act 2022, passed last year, SZC鈥檚 Sumit said: 鈥淒ecisions such as those create a strong signal to the market, which is incredibly helpful when trying to meet these challenges.鈥

He went on to state the importance of flexibility: 鈥淭here are so many regulators involved. A common overarching principle or narrative that would guide decision-making 鈥 as opposed to a very descriptive approach 鈥 is something that could be helpful.鈥


Shekhar Sumit, Gavin Dobbing and Graham Harle

Flexibility should also be included in the regulatory models that the industry works with, argued Sumit. Making policy work now but also ensuring that it is 鈥渨orkable in the future鈥.

鈥淕overnment policy is very reasonable with regard to hydrogen,鈥 claimed Vertex Hydrogen鈥檚 Seifert. 鈥淜ey is making sure the pace of implementation is fast enough and a balancing between evaluating the detail at every turn versus sometimes just getting on with delivery.鈥

Rolls-Royce SMR鈥檚 Samson echoed this: 鈥淲e need everything we鈥檙e talking about around this table if we鈥檙e going to have any chance of trying to address climate change.鈥 He went on: 鈥淲e鈥檝e got to hope the political leadership will embrace these and turn that rhetoric into action as quickly as possible.鈥

鈥淭here is an urgency,鈥 agreed BEIS鈥檚 Burke. 鈥淎lso very important for us is understanding where the private sector is innovating, taking risks and backing projects. It鈥檚 key for industry and investors as well.鈥

Samson highlighted that with massive volumes of offshore wind and policy momentum building around nuclear, 鈥渨e鈥檙e in a privileged position in the UK鈥. He added: 鈥淏ut there is no point in us just solving it in the UK if the rest of the world isn鈥檛 making progress. We need to find solutions that we can export.鈥

Unicorns in the room

鈥淭aking natural gas and making hydrogen with it is much more expensive than just burning natural gas,鈥 stated Seifert. 鈥淲e know how to do nuclear, we know how to do offshore wind, and we know how to build solar panels. Even hydrogen is not new or complicated technology. Obviously the key is the overall cost of these low carbon fuels and who is going to pay for those costs.鈥

Dobbing said: 鈥淨uite a lot of weight is placed in public debate on things that don鈥檛 yet exist or the concept that somebody else will deal with it.鈥 He went on: 鈥淩enewable power coupled with very large inter-seasonal storage 鈥 that would be wonderful but it doesn鈥檛 actually exist. Yet somehow, these things become quite important in public debate around energy. Why not have a system with unicorns running on treadmills to generate power?鈥

鈥淚t鈥檚 that mentality,鈥 agreed Alastair Evans, director of corporate and government affairs at Rolls-Royce SMR. 鈥淭he easiest investment to make is not to make one. There are groups who don鈥檛 want to take a risk, and any investment is a risk.鈥 Evans continued: 鈥淚t鈥檚 a huge programme of investment that is needed to deliver the low carbon world we need, and that鈥檚 a hard thing to go out and pitch.鈥


Gavin Dobbing, Alastair Evans and Andy Ellis

Green skills

鈥淕reen skills are an important part of the conversation,鈥 Seifert said. On solar, Parabel鈥檚 Falconer added: 鈥淢any of us used labour from eastern Europe. That labour was extremely talented, worked well and delivered projects in months. That鈥檚 all gone.鈥

鈥淭he movement of labour in construction hasn鈥檛 always been one way,鈥 said Dobbing. 鈥淏ut I agree the skills conversation is a challenging one. You need to have a career path, not a project.鈥

鈥淎ttracting young people who are passionate and switched on to sustainability is key,鈥 said Harle. 鈥淲e鈥檝e got to be more diverse and inclusive 鈥 and we need to start engaging earlier to plant the seed too.鈥

Evans noted: 鈥淯ntil people leaving school can see an opportunity for a significant career in construction, they鈥檙e not going to join. It is a real problem. But graduates are intelligent; they will see that there is a career for 20 to 30 years at least.鈥

鈥淒esire and excitement to get into this industry is massive,鈥 argued Seifert. 鈥淏ut investing in the skills force without the commitment and visibility is difficult.鈥

In Sumit鈥檚 view, 鈥渘uclear working with solar or wind to produce hydrogen 鈥 that whole-system approach 鈥 will be something that is needed as we move forward鈥.

And Evans concluded: 鈥淭he big thing for me is that we鈥檙e not in competition; we need to deliver every one of the technologies represented around this table.鈥

Sumit added: 鈥淣uclear working with solar or wind to produce hydrogen, that whole system approach, will be something that is needed as we move forward.鈥

Round the table

Chair: Jordan Marshall, special projects editor, 好色先生TV

Declan Burke, director of nuclear projects and development, BEIS

Gavin Dobbing, project director, Gleeds

Andy Ellis, regional director and head of energy, Gleeds

Alastair Evans, director of corporate and government affairs, Rolls-Royce SMR

Rob Falconer, manager for solar energy, Parabel

Graham Harle, chief executive officer, Gleeds

Tom Samson, chief executive officer, Rolls-Royce SMR

Joe Seifert, chief executive officer, Vertex Hydrogen

Shekhar Sumit, head of energy transition, Sizewell C