All articles by Sonia Soltani – Page 3

  • Roger McLaughlin

    Just the job


    Young engineer Roger McLaughlin tells Sonia Soltani what he has learned on his many European travels

  • Robert Adam & Alain de Botton - Portrait by Bohdan Cap

    The fast and the furious


    Alain de Botton (right) discusses his new book on design with philosopher Robert Adam.

  • The east elevation of Fort Dunlop, Urban Splash’s office, retail and leisure scheme in Birmingham, is clad in glass. In the rest of the building, the glazing sits 1.5 m behind the retained brick facade

    Doors and windows


    How do you turn an old tyre factory into a swanky office and leisure destination? As Sonia Soltani discovered, if you're Shed KM, you stick a beautiful glass box inside the existing brick box. The result kicks off our doors and windows special

  • All photographs taken by David Levene
    Archive Titles

    What's up dock?


    Well, shops, a school, a GP surgery, a community centre and 1300 low-rise homes, that's what. And they've been there ever since the 1980s when developer Bellway ignored all sensible advice and built the now thriving Hull community on a derelict docklands site. Photographs David Levene

  • The mirror blocks in the courtyard are artworks and toys for children

    A Dagenham Wonderland


    Shiny pixelated bricks, mirrored blocks, multi-height openings and sliding doors that give surprising views from all angles - DSDHA's John Perry Children's Centre would delight Alice, herself

  • Features

    Young, gifted and in the black


    It might seem like an unglamorous option, but housebuilding is becoming the sector to work in. Increasingly young executives are enjoying increasingly fat pay packets and perks, according to the first ever ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV/PSD housebuilders' salary survey. Illustration by Jamie Jay

  • The London Eye lit up

    Lovers in the air


    Inspired by Valentine's Day and the promise of free champagne, the latest in our series of Projects Reunited is less about reuniting old friends than celebrating those special unions that have stood the test of time. We took four happy couples that met through the construction industry for a trip ...

  • Before...
    Archive Titles

    How do we get from this ...... to this?


    With the toughest challenges to the Decent Homes programme still to come, the pressure is on to find ways of meeting the 2010 deadline - including a bigger role for the private sector. But the 1980s regeneration of the Redriff Estate in London Docklands may already hold the answer.

  • Doing good by stealth

    Doing good by stealth


    The new chief executive of the Prince’s Foundation is a quiet American. But Hank Dittmar’s lack of showiness is well suited to a charity that is aiming to slowly and subtly transform urban England.

  • Daniel Libeskind

    Daniel Libeskind


    As rumours circulate of year-long delays and complete redesigns at Ground Zero, we talk to the man responsible about why his long, bitter struggle with rival architects, the New York press and the site owner (among others) is a sign that things are going pretty well …

  • Fuel cells being lowered into a nuclear reactor

    Fast breeder


    The nuclear power industry will spend at least £60bn over the next 30 years, and a lot more if, as seems increasingly likely, it starts building new reactors. So how can contractors join the new atomic age?

  • The parish church of St Nicholas supervises the nursery

    Not so quiet


    The Priory may sound like a place for calm reflection or celebrity detox, but Monahan Blythen’s latest project is in fact a funky playschool for the toddlers of Great Yarmouth

  • The children’s door designs were turned into lockers

    … and a treehouse in the classroom


    A new exhibition at the Victoria & Albert museum shows that children make some of the most inspiring, imaginative and brutally honest clients.

  • ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV

    CSCS set to play leading role in Clarke’s immigration plans


    Industry scheme could act as ‘preferred template’ for Home Office’s Australian-style immigration policy

  • Features

    Can paris be beaten?


    The bookies, the population of Paris and the Queen of England all think that the French are about to add the 2012 Olympic Games to their sporting triumphs. We met the people behind the bid and found out why they’re so confident …

  • Features

    Regeneration in practice: Manchester


    One of the city’s most crime-ridden housing estates is being given a John Prescott makeover, complete with signature architect and PFI funding. We report on how Plymouth Grove is going from war zone to des res

  • Philip Ashton PhD

    The naked project manager


    Philip Ashton PhD may be a reluctant televison star, but he’s happy to embrace the publicity Channel 4’s Bricking It has given young people in construction. We meet project management’s answer to Jamie Oliver.

  • Vive la France!

    Vive la France!


    ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV’s round-up of the 300 biggest European contractors reveals that French firms Vinci and Bouygues have stormed to the top. Sonia Soltani went to Paris to meet the men responsible for the Gallic triumph.

  • Still waiting: Eight years after the PFI deal was signed, only 60% of the west London site has been completed

    DTI looks for firm to end National Physical Lab fiasco


    Three years after it was due to be handed over, DTI takes over disastrous PFI project and puts it out to tender

  • Doughty: Awarded a CMG

    Costain chief wins top honour


    Stuart Doughty, chief executive of Costain Group, was among the construction industry figures on the New Year’s honours list