All RICS housing market survey articles

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    Has the housing mini-boom run out of puff?


    All the gauges appear to be reading "set fair" in the housing market, so why the long faces among those in the know?The latest RICS housing market survey on the face of it provides every reason to suspect that better times lie ahead. This follows a raft of housing indexes ...

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    House prices on the increase, but so too are the questions marks over the housing market


    The big news is that for the first time in two years more surveyors in Britain said prices rose than said they fell, according to the latest RICS housing market survey.The big question is whether this is the start of a continuous and sustained recovery in the housing market or ...

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    Housing activity rises but prices set for further falls


    The latest RICS housing market survey paints a more optimistic picture of the housing market, with evidence that confidence and activity continue to improve.The ‘new buyer enquiries' series (the balance of surveyors reporting an increase rather than a decrease in buyer interest) has been rising since November and, at 48 ...