A delegation led by Reading University went to Moscow to teach Soviet builders the way of the West


Private lessons

This week in 1991, a delegation led by Reading University went to Moscow to teach Soviet builders the way of the West.

The previous year, Soviet construction had promised a lot under Mikhail Gorbachev鈥檚 reforms but little happened until 1991, when construction projects began to take form. However, it became clear that Soviet construction workers weren鈥檛 used to working under the Western-style market.

Jacquie Cannon reported: 鈥淎s the country moves towards Western-style free market philosophies, construction company heads are facing the prospect of dealing with market economics and having to use their own initiative.

鈥淭he main purpose of our Moscow visit was to explain to senior Soviet construction managers how the industry operates in a market economy.

鈥淭heir problem in understanding market economies are immense. Until recently, all construction firms in the Soviet Union were given production targets. They were told what their materials would be, where they would come from, and where their products were to be delivered. The planning system controlled the economy.鈥

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