Deals worth more than £14.5m are in the field of international development

UK consultant WYG has trumpeted a string of new EU-financed contracts, as the firm continued to pick up wins via Brussels.

The wins, worth more than €17m (£14.5m) to WYG over the next four years, are all in the field of international development and were announced in an update to investors last week.

They include a €7m (£6m) deal to extend electricity, gas and transport networks in the Balkans, won in joint venture with lead partner Mott MacDonald. The contract could be extended in duration and scope up to a value of â‚¬20m-plus (£17m).

In Turkey, WYG has been awarded three EuropeAid projects worth a combined €5.5m (£4.7m) in water and enterprise development.

Further afield, WYG has been awarded a €3.6m (£3.1m) project to assist the reform of Lebanon’s National Social Security Fund, €2.6m worth of public sector work in Somaliland and Gambia, and a €3.6m (£3m) project to strengthen relations between the EU and Brazil - all funded by the EU.