A £85.6m contract with Tesco in Woolwich saw Willmott Dixon leapfrog rivals to top September’s contractor league table

Willmott Dixon has powered to the top of September’s list of top performing contractors on the back of signing a £85.6m contract with Tesco in Woolwich in south-east London. The firm was placed eight in the list of top contractors in August, according to data provided by Barbour ABI.

Laing O’Rouke returned to the top ten list with just two contracts, including a £120m contract from Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS trust for a new cancer centre in Southwark putting it in the second place spot.

Vinci Construction had a productive month winning 20 contracts totalling £117.9m putting it in third place.

The housing sector showed some signs of recovery with business up £22m to £132m in September after record lows in August.

However, public sector work crashed from a high of £710m down to £390m last month.

Vinci Construction had a productive month winning 20 contracts totalling £117.9m putting them in third place.

The league tables show a positive trend over the past two months, despite negative official construction output figures and bad weather. These wins may help the sector in 2011, but it will be another tough year.

For interactive league tables visit

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