Projects include new train station and housing schemes

The West Midlands Combined Authority has published a prospectus of investment opportunities across the region worth a combined 拢20bn. 

A total of 29 schemes were named in the West Midlands Investment Prospectus 2023, including housing, commercial, regeneration and infrastructure projects. 


Source: HS2

The HS2 Interchange in Solihull, currently being built by Laing O鈥橰ourke, is among projects named on previous prospectuses

The proposals, which were identified in partnership with local authorities across the West Midlands, include a new train station in Walsall and a new 630-home residential development at Friar Park. 

The West Midlands has already secured more than 拢700m in devolved housing funds from the government since 2018 to support its aggressive brownfield-first policy. 

Work has commenced on all sites featured in the 2018, which included landmark projects such as Friargate in Coventry and the UK Central Hub and HS2 Interchange project in Solihull

>> Also read: Birmingham set to unveil 20-year vision for city鈥檚 green transformation

West Midlands mayor Andy Street said: 鈥淢ore and more major national and indeed global players are recognising the investment opportunities on offer here in our region. 

鈥淲ith a young, skilled and diverse workforce, internationally renowned higher education institutions, and outstanding connectivity 鈥 set to be bolstered in the coming years by the arrival of HS2 鈥 our economy is well placed to prosper in the months and years ahead. 

鈥淭his Investment Prospectus comes on the back of last summer鈥檚 hugely successful Commonwealth Games as well as the new Deeper Devolution Deal this March where we secured 拢1.5bn of new funding from the government 鈥 alongside a significant tranche of new powers covering housing and regeneration, transport and skills, giving us even more levers to deliver for local people and our partners in the private sector.鈥 

Town and city centre schemes in the West Midlands Investment Prospectus 2023 include: 

  • Coventry City Centre Cultural Gateway
  • Creative Quarter Royal Leamington Spa 
  • Interchange Commercial District Wolverhampton 
  • Paradise Birmingham 
  • Rugby Town Centre 
  • Shrewsbury Riverside 
  • Solihull Town Centre including Eastgate 
  • Telford Town Centre Living Cluster 
  • Transforming Nuneaton 
  • Walsall Town Centre 
  • West Bromwich Town Centre