Parent company seeking shelter in British energy and commercial markets, says UK boss

Paul Neto

Source: James Bolton

Neto: Closer interaction with France

Europe鈥檚 biggest contractor Vinci is to focus more on winning work in the UK to mitigate against the worsening euro crisis, the firm鈥檚 UK boss has revealed.

John Stanion, chief executive of Vinci Construction UK, said divisions of its 鈧33bn-turnover (拢26.6bn) French parent company are taking an increasing amount of interest in UK schemes.

He said: 鈥淰arious operating companies within the Vinci group are looking at opportunities in the UK, mainly in concessions, energy-related projects and commercial property.

鈥淭hese are not the only French companies looking at the UK. For example, the Banque Nationale de Paris is building a new HQ in King鈥檚 Cross. The UK offers a lot of advantages - not being part of the euro is a main one.鈥

For the full interview with Paul Neto

This move comes as Vinci Construction UK鈥檚 special projects division, which has traditionally focused on winning work on UK building frameworks and projects over 拢100m, looks to become more involved in infrastructure and energy projects, both in the UK and overseas.

Paul Neto, head of the division, confirmed there would also be more interaction between the UK special projects division and the parent company - particularly the French energy business.

He said: 鈥淚 will be out in France more regularly over the next 12 months talking about how we can work more in energy and how we can engage better with other parts of the Vinci Group.鈥

Vinci鈥檚 energy business, Vinci Energies, turned over 鈧8.7bn in 2011 compared with 鈧7.1bn in 2010. Just over 63% of that revenue came from France. The division also saw profit up from 鈧242m in 2010 to 鈧315m in 2011.

Vinci saw UK pre-tax profit fall 48% from 拢39m in 2012 to 拢19.8n for the year to December 31 2011. But the group鈥檚 turnover was up 8%. to 拢1.1bn.