CBI calls on UK to do more to promote cleaner energy

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Business leaders have hailed the global climate deal struck in Paris over the weekend, but called on the UK government to now do more to promote green technologies.

Over the weekend 195 countries signed up to a deal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the current 46bn tons a year to almost zero within 50 years and also pldeged to limit global warning to 鈥渨ell below 2C鈥.

The CBI hailed the climate deal due said 鈥渕ore needs to be done鈥 in the UK to incentivise clean technologies.

Carolyn Fairbairn, CBI director-general, said: 鈥淚t will now be for governments to show how they plan to turn global ambition into national reality. Businesses will want to see domestic policies that demonstrate commitment to this goal and none more so than in the UK.

鈥淲hile the UK is making its voice heard at global talks, more needs to be done at home. The Government must provide a stable environment that enables investment in cleaner, more affordable and more secure energy generation, including renewable technologies and new gas plants.

鈥淎s other nations start to play a greater role and increase their ambition, the UK needs a level playing field for carbon costs, so that our energy intensive industries can compete effectively in a global, low carbon market place.鈥