Tube line will reopen on Thursday following extensive repairs to bomb damaged track and signals.

The Piccadilly line will reopen tomorrow following the repair of extensive bomb damage by Tube Lines.

The line was badly damaged between Kings Cross and Russel Square following the suicide bombing that killed 26 people on July 7.

Repair work and testing was finished on Tuesday and the site handed back to London Underground.

Terry Morgan, Tube Lines chief executive said: 鈥淐lose co-operation between the emergency services, London Underground and our staff has ensured the fastest possible end to disruption.鈥

Tube Lines said it instigated a rota system to ensure that experts in every relevant field were ready to enter the tunnels when police forensic teams had finished their work.

The train waas removed by a Tube Lines team compromising an Emergency Response Unit and specialist train provider Trans Plant.

Tube Lines had to replace parts of the track and carry out extensive repairs to cables and signals.