North London football clubs go head to head for future of stadium

The final two bidder consortiums for the Olympic Stadium are Tottenham Hotspur/AEG and West Ham/London Borough of Newham, the Olympic Park Legacy Company has announced.

The bidding process, which began in August, has narrowed the field down to two.

Margaret Ford, chair of the Olympic Park Legacy Company, said: 鈥漌e are very pleased with the extensive and serious interest shown in the stadium. We started this process to ensure the very best legacy for the Stadium, and we are now at a point where we have selected the two strongest bids.

鈥淲e will go forward to start negotiations with the two consortia of Tottenham Hotspur and AEG, and West Ham United and Newham Council.

鈥淭he Stadium is a vital and vibrant component of the Olympic Park - securing the most appropriate and viable solution is crucial for our long-term aspirations for the future Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park area.鈥