RICS considers plans to drop APC level three in bid to streamline system

The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is considering plans to ditch its flagship top level qualification in a bid to streamline its qualifications system.

RICS sources said the proposal to drop the Assessment of Professional Competence (APC) level three 鈥 widely regarded as the QS profession鈥檚 premium qualification 鈥 was discussed by the RICS鈥 QS/Construction board last month.

Critics slammed the proposal, claiming it would 鈥渄umb down鈥 standards.

But the RICS stressed the proposed change was one of many possible reforms to the APC qualifications, adding that the organisation would 鈥渘ot jeapordise standards鈥.

The proposal has now been passed down to the RICS鈥 17 professional groups to consider, before any proposed changes are put to the membership.

We have an obligation to make sure our qualifications are up-to-date

Gillian Charlesworth

Quantity surveyors must pass all three APC levels in order to become a chartered member of the RICS. Level one covers the technical basics, level two is about comparing and delivering valuations and level three is designed to teach QSs how to use all this information to deliver strategic advice to clients

It is understood senior figures in the RICS have proposed removing level three whilst beefing up level two in order to reduce the complexity of the APC system and as part of a move to become a more global organisation.

Gillian Charlesworth, director of corporate affairs at the RICS, confirmed the APC qualifications were currently under review, but stressed the proposal to drop RICS level three was among 鈥渁 range of different issues and options鈥.

鈥淭his is about making sure that our qualifications are relevant to where the market is. We have an obligation to make sure our qualifications are up-to-date.

She rejected claims the RICS was putting standards at risk. 鈥淎ny suggestion that we would reduce standards is completely erroneous 鈥 we wouldn鈥檛 contemplate that. High standards are our USP.鈥 She added reforms to the APCs would come in to force 鈥渋n the next couple of years鈥 and any 鈥渂ig changes鈥 would be put to the membership.