Brickonomics: Should we be using incentives as readily as we are to encourage first-time buyers onto the property ladder?

However iconoclastic or contrary this question may seem, it needs to be asked. There is so much at stake.

Promoting first-time buyers is pretty much central to the Government鈥檚 attempt to get the house building process moving and each new homeowner placed on the ladder is viewed as a reason to be cheerful.

Take the recent visit of Housing Minister John Healey to Salford. Here he met Stacey Smith, a resident of the New Broughton development, who had bought her new home at a reduced cost through the Government鈥檚 Homebuy Direct scheme, says the press release.

What is special enough about the New Broughton scheme to warrant the ministerial visit is that it has received Kickstart money and building is on the move again.