CITB has been meeting with apprentices worried by the contractor鈥檚 failure

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Fear of the unknown was one of the biggest causes of concern for Carillion鈥檚 apprentices in the wake of the construction giant鈥檚 collapse, according to one trainee.

Jordan Barnes, 18, has been working as a second year carpentry apprentice for Carillion in Birmingham and said he鈥檇 been caught off-guard by the company going into liquidation.

鈥淚 was already at work on the Monday morning and one of the lads got a call from someone working on a different site and then he mentioned me and said Carillion had gone under,鈥 Barnes said.

鈥淚 was at work at the time. I thought 鈥業 don鈥檛 know what to do now, am I getting paid for this or should I go home and look for another job?鈥

鈥淚t was out of the blue because there was a lot of talk that the government or the banks would bail Carillion out so we weren鈥檛 really that worried. We thought it would all be alright.鈥

Barnes said, while it had been a shock, he was sure those in charge had pulled out all the stops to try and save the company as it crumbled in its dying days.

He said: 鈥淚f they could have prevented it they would have. I didn鈥檛 feel let down, more worried. I didn鈥檛 know what I鈥檇 be doing. I didn鈥檛 know if I鈥檇 have to find alternative employment or what.鈥

Barnes, who will continue his apprenticeship with CITB and his current work experience provider that was organised through Carillion, met with the training body late last week.

He said while his position had been clarified, the instability was worse for those apprentices in the initial stages of qualification. 

He said: 鈥淚 think a lot of the level one apprentices are unsure about things. The thing with the people in my group is that we鈥檝e been with Carillion for a year and a bit. We know what鈥檚 going on, we know what we have to do to finish our course, and we know how everything works, so we know what we have to do.

鈥淲e鈥檝e already got everything sorted out. We鈥檝e got work experience providers, we鈥檝e got job line up at the end of the apprenticeship as well so for us it鈥檚 alright. But for some of the level one apprentices who don鈥檛 actually know that much about what the course entails yet because they鈥檝e only been on it for a month or so they might struggle a bit.鈥

CITB said it would make providing support to Carillion鈥檚 1,400 apprentices a priority when news of the contractor鈥檚 liquidation broke last Monday.

The training body has put out a plea for construction firms to step up and take on former Carillion apprentices.