Current funding deal runs out in March 2024

Transport for London (TfL) has issued a fresh call for confirmation of a long-term capital funding settlement from the government after last week saw the highest passenger numbers since the pandemic.

The number of journeys exceeded four million last Thursday for the first time in 2023, 7.6% higher than the same day last year.

Average midweek ridership on the Tube is now regularly above 3.7 million journeys and up around 6.5% compared to last year, with ridership on Monday and Friday now regularly above 3 million journeys a day.

While TfL said it can cover three quarters of its capital investment next year, it is seeking confirmation that the government will provide the remaining proportion that it says ministers have 鈥渃onsistently acknowledged that TfL will need鈥 for major renewals and enhancements.

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Source: Shutterstock

Daily passenger numbers on the tube topped the four million mark last week, TfL said

Multiple major capital projects were mothballed in the wake of the pandemic due to a funding shortfall caused by lower passenger numbers, including the extension of the Bakerloo line across south London, the Crossrail 2 project and the redevelopment of Vauxhall bus station.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt did not confirm a long-term settlement for TfL in last week鈥檚 autumn statement, which focused on tax cuts and planning reforms.

>> See also: Funding woes sees TfL kick Crossrail 2 further into long grass

The transport operator said its situation is now 鈥渦rgent鈥, and the capital is being forced to exist without the multi-year 鈥楲ondon-style鈥 funding agreements that are being introduced elsewhere in the country, including in the West Midlands.

London mayor Sadiq Khan said London was 鈥渢ruly roaring back鈥 after the pandemic, but the boom in passenger numbers needed to be supported by 鈥渟ustained capital investment over multiple years with support from central government鈥.

TfL and the Department for Transport (DfT) struck their most recent funding settlement at the end of last summer after months of wrangling.

The deal, which funds TfL until March 2024, saw the government commit 拢1.2bn to the body鈥檚 capital investment programme, as well as ongoing revenue support if passenger numbers do not recover from the pandemic at the budgeted rate.

But the government鈥檚 contribution to TfL鈥檚 capital spending after this period has yet to be determined.

Earlier this month, a group of businesses including Mace and Arcadis wrote to Hunt urging him to commit to a further settlement of 拢500m to see TfL through 2024-25 and a longer term funding deal.

Without confirmation of a deal, the letter warned London risks 鈥済rinding to a halt鈥 and the transport operator faced a 鈥渟low decline and greater costs in the future鈥.

A Department for Transport spokesperson said: 鈥淚t is for the mayor to ensure TfL can deliver transport services in the capital.

鈥淭o support this, we have provided more than 拢6bn since 2020, on top of TfL also receiving just under 拢1.2bn in capital grant funding until the end of March 2024. The current funding settlement is a way to provide revenue protection.鈥