Campaign group said council had 鈥檜nderplayed鈥 the scheme鈥檚 environmental impact

Another UK airport expansion scheme has been stalled after a legal challenge on environmental grounds. 

Plans to extend Southampton Airport鈥檚 runway have been derailed after a challenge was given a hearing at the High Court.

Campaign group Geosa Ltd (Group opposed to expansion of Southampton Airport) has been granted a judicial review into Eastleigh council鈥檚 decision to approve a 164m extension of the airport鈥檚 runway in April.

Southampton airport

The plans were approved by 22 votes to 13 after a fraught 19-hour debate a month after being rejected by the council鈥檚 local area committee.

Supporters say the extension, which would allow longer haul flights, have widespread local support and would provide hundreds of jobs.

But campaigners said at the time that the move was a 鈥渂leak day鈥 for the environment and a 鈥渟etback in the transition to a sustainable future鈥.

Goesa Ltd has crowdfunded 拢20,000 and received 拢35,000 in direct donations to pay for the judicial review, which is being brought by a legal team led by Leigh Day and David Wolfe QC.

The group said the airport had 鈥済reatly overstated the economic benefits of the expansion, which will adversely affect the quality of lives of around 46,000 residents, while hugely underplaying the environmental impact鈥.

It added that a judicial review was the only way to give the decision 鈥渇ull scrutiny鈥.

The airport鈥檚 operations director Steve Szalay said the group was seeking to challenge a 鈥渄emocractic decision鈥.

He said: 鈥淲e are hugely disappointed by their decision to bring legal action, particularly given that nearly 4,800 local people wrote to express their support for the plans.

鈥淭he runway extension is a key part of our plans for the future of the airport and will deliver significant economic and employment opportunities to Eastleigh and the Central South.

鈥漊nfortunately, this legal challenge will delay the creation of much-needed jobs at a time of high post-pandemic unemployment, including 265 job opportunities during the construction phase.鈥

Szalay added: 鈥淚n light of the extensive scrutiny and public consultations undertaken by Eastleigh Borough Council, we are confident that the courts will back the Council鈥檚 decision to approve the runway application.鈥

The challenge comes after proposals to redevelop Leeds Bradford airport were delayed by Robert Jenrick in April following a referral to the government because of the scheme鈥檚 contribution to climate change.

Birmingham airport鈥檚 expansion plans were also put on hold last year because of the covid-19 pandemic.

The Supreme Court has now cleared a path for Heathrow aiport鈥檚 third runway after it was ruled unlawful last year when the High Court said it breached the Paris climate change agreement.