UK comes fourth in index of G20 countries but lagging

The UK is not refurbishing its building stock quickly enough and is putting net zero targets signed under the Paris Agreement at risk, according to a sustainability consultancy.

The Global Retrofit Index, carried out by 3Keel for insulation firm Kingspan, put the UK in fourth position in its league table of G20 countries, but found that none were on track to meet Paris goals.


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Sustainability advisors 3Keel say urgent action on retrofit is needed if the goals agreed in Paris are to be met

Roughly 80% of buildings that will be standing in 2050 have already been built and, according to the International Energy Agency, 20% of these buildings will need to be retrofit by 2030 if global climate goals are to be met.

Despite being near the top of the table, the UK鈥檚 52.8/100 score puts its retrofit strategy in the 鈥渋nsufficient鈥. No countries were considered 鈥渟ufficient鈥 and only Germany was classed as 鈥渁lmost sufficient鈥.

The report said that 鈥渞apid decarbonisation鈥 of the UK鈥檚 electricity supply had helped the country make progress on indirect building emissions, but that less had been achieved on emissions from fuel combustion in buildings.

>> Also read Levelling-up target areas would benefit doubly from national retrofit scheme, claims think tank

It said that the UK had made 鈥渟ome important commitments to improving energy efficiency in buildings and eliminating gas boilers鈥, but that there was 鈥渕uch room for improvement鈥.

Report author Michael Lord of 3Keel said the findings showed the urgent need for 鈥渁mbitious government action鈥 to support the building and construction sector.

鈥淭o achieve the level of reduction needed, the energy performance of existing building stock will need to be significantly improved and deep energy retrofits needed to achieve the deep cut in emissions we must make,鈥 he added.