Free seminars in December and January offer ways to manage tenders online

RICS now offers a web tendering service for the construction industry.

RICS eTendering offers clients and consultants a simple, secure, standard, efficient, and cost-effective way to manage tenders online.

The service is managed by BCIS.

Free breakfast seminars will see demonstrations of the service.

They include

鈥 Introduction to RICS eTendering - how and why the service has been developed
鈥 RICS eTendering - tender set up and issue demonstration
鈥 RICS eTendering - tender response, assessment and award demonstration
鈥 Questions and Answers

Forthcoming events

Event: RICS eTendering Breakfast Seminar
Location: Davis Langdon LLP, MidCity Place, 71 High Holborn, London, WC1V 6QS
Dates: Wednesday 12 December 2007 & Tuesday 15 January 2008

The sessions will start with registration and refreshments from 8.40am and will run through to 10.30am.

Further dates across the UK will be added soon.
