Concern at consumer failure to grasp potential benefits of sustainable technology

Householder and consumers are still ignorant of the benefits that sustainable technology can deliver, according to a new report.

The study, entitled the 鈥淭he Commercial Value of Sustainability鈥 and published by the Chartered Institute of Marketing Construction Industry Group (CIMCIG), says that the concept of sustainability needs to be sold to householders.

Author of the report and independent sustainability consultant Jeremy Sumeray said: 鈥淭he legislative framework in terms of regulation and incentives is in place, and manufacturers have responded with huge innovation to develop solutions for sustainable development.

鈥淭he yawning gap now is in marketing the concept of sustainability to the customer - developing an environment in which sustainable technology is attractive and aspirational for homeowners鈥.

The research project involved trade associations, manufacturers and consumer representatives and highlighted the huge potential for sustainable technology. It also revealed considerable frustration at the lack of knowledge and understanding within the consumer market of the benefits that sustainable technology can bring.

Ian Exall, chairman of CIMCIG, echoed the sentiments: 鈥淭his report highlights just how big a task the marketing industry has. It is a real hearts and minds exercise that will both make or break our commitments to carbon reduction and provide huge commercial opportunities for UK industry.鈥