Buro Happold chairman Michael Dickson and Halcrow chairman Tony Aluum were both recognised in the Queen鈥檚 birthday honours this week.

Buro Happold chairman Michael Dickson was one of several construction and housing industry figures recognised in the Queen鈥檚 birthday honours this week.

Dickson, who becomes president of the Institute of Structural Engineers in September, received a CBE for his services to engineering. Halcrow chairman Tony Aluum was also awarded a CBE for services to British interests in Iraq.

They were joined in the honours list by National Specialist Contractors Council chief executive Suzannah Nicol, who was awarded an MBE for serving the construction industry.

A host of housing representatives were also included in the list. Donald Hoodless, chief executive of Circle 33 Housing Group, was awarded an OBE for services to social housing, health and local government. Andrew Malone, chief executive of Nottingham community Housing Association, also received an OBE for services to social housing.

MBEs were awarded to John Heffer, chairman of Aster Group, for social housing in Wiltshire; Thomas McGill, a committee member for North and West Housing, for serving social housing in Northern Ireland; Richard Renwick, chief executive of Tuntum Housing Association, for social housing in the east Midlands; and George Wakler, maintenance assistant at Oaklee Housing Association, for serving social housing in Northern Ireland. John McBane, the executive director of environmental group Groundwork Dearne Valley, was awarded an MBE for urban regeneration in South Yorkshire.