Ecobuild latest: Contractors and clients say culture is key to driving sustainability agenda

Skanska UK boss Mike Putnam has warned construction firms are doing 鈥渘owhere near enough鈥 to go green.

In a stark warning delivered on the last day of the Ecobuild conference in London, Putnam said: 鈥淚 don鈥檛 think we are doing enough. Nowhere near enough.

鈥淪ome leading organisations are doing quite good things across clients, contractors and subcontractors. But their number is still quite small compared to the totality of the industry. We need to collaborate much more, share our ideas and get momentum going.鈥

Putnam, who is also chair of the government鈥檚 Green Construction Board, told delegates he believed greater use of digital solutions, data, and off-site construction would 鈥渞evolutionise the way we deliver things鈥.

He said a key focus of the Green Construction Board was on 鈥渕aking green a part of every person鈥檚 training鈥.

Euan Burns, chief engineer at Carillion, said the construction sector needs to invest more in research and development (R&D). He said: 鈥淚 met Fujitsu recently and they spend 拢6-7bn per annum on R&D. Then if you look at our industry, we struggle.鈥

Crown Estate and Lendlease鈥檚 sustainability bosses Claudine Blamey and Matt Smith told the conference that fostering a culture of innovation in organisations was key to driving adoption of the sustainability agenda.