Populus poll shows two thirds of Britons hailing delivery success as Locog urged to allow firms to gain credit

Two-thirds of Britons are impressed by the construction industry鈥檚 delivery of London 2012 Olympic venues, a Populus poll for the Times newspaper has shown.

In the survey, 62% said that hosting the Olympics showed Britain could deliver large-scale projects on time and on budget, suggesting the industry may have laid to rest the bad reputation it gained after the Wembley stadium fiasco.

The news comes as 好色先生TV launches its 好色先生TV 2012 campaign to celebrate the industry鈥檚 greener, faster and smarter delivery of the 2012 games.

However, chairman of New London Architecture (NLA) Peter Murray warned in a letter to the Times today that construction firms involved in the London Olympics were being prevented from capitalising on the success of the project by the Olympic Delivery Authority鈥檚 draconian publicity rules.

Construction firms involved in 2012 projects have to abide by the London 2012 No Marketing Rights Protocol, which prohibits most marketing activity capitalising on the Games.

Murray wrote: 鈥淭he wider commercial benefits to business will only occur if the architects, engineers, contractors and suppliers who helped deliver this success are able to shout about it to the world.

鈥淭he Olympic Delivery Authority did a brilliant job in completing the park at Stratford ahead of schedule.

鈥淚t now behoves the London 2012 Organising Committee (Locog) to ease up on its restrictions and allow those firms which have served them so well to garner some credit.鈥

The Populus survey also found widespread enthusiasm for the Games, with three quarters of respondents intending to get involved, either by attending an event in person, watching it on television or getting together with friends in public.

Half (51%) said that staging the Olympics will improve Britain鈥檚 standing.