Mixed-use scheme to include 1,200 homes and public spaces celebrating local heritage

Plans have been aired for a 拢250m mixed-use neighbourhood in Stockport town centre which would see the construction of more than 1,000 homes.

The first consultation on the Stockport 8 scheme has been launched by developer Stockport Mayoral Development Corporation and the English Cities Fund, a joint venture between Homes England, Muse and Legal & General.

Stockport 8 Artists Sketch 2

The scheme aims to revive a residential neighbourhood which once thrived beneath the Victorian railway arches

Located on land either side of King Street West and next to the railway viaduct, the plans aim to reconnect the site to the town centre and revive a former residential area which once existed beneath the railway arches.

A draft masterplan drawn up by architect Shedkm envisage a walkable, green neighbourhood with a mix of tenures including affordable homes, build to rent and open market properties.

The scheme would include up to 1,200 homes, commercial space for local businesses, and community facilities.

It would also feature new public spaces around Stockport鈥檚 grade II*-listed viaduct which could host love events, markets and food festivals.

The viaduct, a symbol of Stockport, was completed in 1840 and is still one of the UK鈥檚 largest brick structures.

Muse senior development manager Joe Stockton said: 鈥淭his is one of the largest town centre regeneration projects in the UK and it鈥檚 only right that the local community is at the heart of what we do. 

鈥淲e鈥檙e excited to find out what local people and businesses want to see in the area to help us shape the plans and ensure there is something for everyone. 

鈥淲e want to design a thriving, inclusive neighbourhood that will deliver the needs of the community now, and for generations to come, and that has Stockport鈥檚 independent spirit and character at its core.鈥

Drop-in sessions will be held on 1 February at Edgeley Park on Hardcastle Road and 3 February at Merseyway Shopping Centre.

A second consultation is planned for the summer with a planning application to the local council expected this autumn.

The project team so far also includes landscape architect Planit, planning consultant Deloitte and project manager Walker SIme.

The scheme is a central element of a wider 拢1bn investment in Stockport which aims to transform the Manchester suburb into the region鈥檚 most liveable town centre over the next decade.