Twelve buildings over 100m high are yet to be complete â€“ with six yet to start

The City of London Corporation has released images of how the City skyline will look in 2026 after a handful of planned buildings have been constructed.

Five buildings over 30 storeys are currently under construction in the Square Mile, while a further five have been given the nod by planners.

Eric Parry’s 1 Undershaft would be the tallest, standing 10m above PLP’s 22 Bishopsgate – which is under construction by Multiplex and due to finish later this year.

But it is unclear when 1 Undershaft, which received planning consent in 2016, will be built.

SOM’s 100 Leadenhall received planning permission in July and would stand 32m below 22 Bishopsgate.

The two firms developing the scheme have said it will take four years to build, with existing tenant leases on the building expiring in 2023 – but have vowed to begin whenever they achieve vacant possession.

The pictures come as the City of London consults on a strategy to prioritise pedestrians and improve public realm in the Square Mile.

It is looking at closing the gap between the Walkie Talkie and other towers, as well as requiring new walking routes through tall buildings to make the city more navigable.

Developments to be constructed by 2026

Height (m)


22 Bishopsgate

294.94 (62 storeys)

Under Construction

52 Lime Street (the Scalpel)

206 (36 storeys)

Under Construction

100 Bishopsgate

181 (37 storeys)

Under Construction

6-8 Bishopsgate/150 Leadenhall Street

185 (50 storeys)

Under Construction

70 St Mary Axe

164.3 (21 storeys)

Under Construction

150 Bishopsgate

150.92 (41 storeys)

Under Construction

80 Fenchurch Street

78 (14 storeys)

Under Construction

1 Undershaft – the tallest in the Eastern Cluster

304.6 (73 storeys)

Consented, Not Commenced – still subject to S106 Approval

2-3 Finsbury Avenue (Broadgate) north of the  Eastern Cluster

168.4 (32 storeys)

Consented, Not Commenced – still subject to S106 Approval

100 Leadenhall Street

263.4 (56 storeys)

Consented, Not Commenced

40 Leadenhall Street

170 (34 storeys)

Consented, Not Commenced

130 Fenchurch Street

105 (17 storeys)

Consented, Not Commenced

1 Leadenhall Street (corner of Leadenhall Market)

182.7 (36 storeys)    

Consented, Not Commenced

120 Fenchurch Street

85 (15 storeys)

Completed since last update