Trade association set up to promote and co-ordinate German low-energy standard in UK as interest in Passivhaus increases

An umbrella body promoting and co-ordinating the low energy Passivhaus standard in the UK was launched today. The Passivhaus Trust will also ensure technical approaches to low-energy design are consistent regardless of whom clients select to deliver their project.

A number of companies are founder members of the trust including contractors Willmott Dixon and Bramall Construction, manufacturer Knauf Insulation and architects ECD, Prewett Bizley and Architype.

Neil Cutland, a director of the trust said increasing interest in Passivhaus meant a central body was needed in the UK to promote and co-ordinate it.

He said, 鈥淚n the last year Passivhaus has gone from a specialist niche for enthusiasts doing one off projects into the mainstream. The time is right for UK practitioners to link up and form a membership body to promote and preserve the integrity of the standard in the UK.鈥

Cutland added that the trust would help the Passivhaus standard fit within the UK regulatory framework by establishing dialogue with organisations including the Zero Carbon Hub.