BT Centre at Sa茂d Business School launches MSc in Major Programme Management

BT Centre for Major Programme Management at Sa茂d Business School in the University of Oxford is offering a new MSc in Major Programme Management (MPM).

This will be the only masters degree currently available to focus solely on major programme management.

The course is a direct response to the growing need for professionals who are skilled in MPM.

The skills and competencies required for managing major programmes are distinct from the traditional practices of project management.

Janet Smart, director of the BT Centre, said: "It is the first such programme in the world to be delivered by a leading business school and we believe it meets a pressing and significant need among practitioners. Major programme management currently lacks formal development opportunities for its practitioners.

"This new programme will address this and will help shape best practice, and build much needed networks in the specialism."

The part-time modular masters-level degree programme is designed to allow programme managers to continue working while they study.

It consists of 10, week-long residential modules delivered over a two-year period, with private study between modules.

The programme was developed with careful consultation with a number of major programme practitioners to ensure its relevance for working professionals.

Visiting speakers will contribute to the teaching.

The course will begin in October 2008.
